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Tesla is overvalued thanks to all the fake promises Elon Musk has made about robots, Mars, and whatever imaginary tech he comes up with.
1 week ago
2 replies
Name one time Elon has said something smart. Just one time....
Be careful, that's the world's best Diablo player you're talking about...
What if the Internet was a mistake? I'm starting to feel that the Internet was a net negative on the well-being of humans. Someone is winning, but it's not us.
2 weeks ago
4 replies
Yeah but you can relieve the stress created by the Internet with conte...
The Internet was a mistake.
Most websites aren't services - not really. They're honey traps design...
Mathematics thread
2 weeks ago
1 replies
How exactly does this work? Can I somehow use sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 = 1 ...
Post cool gadgets that you want.
3 weeks ago
1 replies
This is what life in Finland looks like.
3 weeks ago
6 replies
This is the most Finnish pic I could find.
Gimme dis.
Post more comfy Finnish cabins. I wish I could buy something like this...
If you win the lottery, your life in Finland might look like this, tho...
Cute girls
1 month ago
2 replies
This is a cool dance but I don't know the song.
Korean girls know how to move, dayum!
People these days lack inner peace. They may not even be aware of it. I think everyone should take some time off the Internet each day, especially before going to bed.
1 month ago
2 replies
Can't rest, too busy living up to the madeup standards imposed on me b...
A lot of insomnia is caused by the fact you keep your mind occupied wi...
Prison Break thread
2 months ago
1 replies
My face when I didn't go to school even though I was supposed to....
Pepe thread
2 months ago
1 replies