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MAIKLMaikl I screwed up I'm back in prison get me out
testBro I'm busy
I'm busy programming stop bothering me Linc
Maikl I screwed up I'm back in prison get me out
JohanTromsö, Norway
The weather is always nice and cool in Tromsö, Norway.
testGear knob day
Today I bought a new gear knob. Just wanted to let the world know.
SLHumanity has gone astray
We put weakness, bad health, infertility and mental illness on a pedestal. As a person who themselves has suffered from mental illness I find it is absolutely messed up that today's "progressive" and "developed" nations have come to promote everything that is to the detriment of society. There's a healthy limit to conservatism but also DEFINITELY a healthy limit to progressivism and we have flown past it years ago.
testDaily waifu
This is my waifu.
MorpheusThe day of Morpheus
I am Morpheus. Today I was searching for Neo once again. No luck.